
The Importance of Pentecost

Douglas S. Winnail
On the Day of Pentecost in AD 31, something unique and profound occurred. What God accomplished on that day was not only related to His previous actions in history—it is crucial to the spiritual growth of every member of the Church of God today.

God’s 7,000-Year Plan: Earth, the Universe, and Us

Wyatt Ciesielka

How can the earth or the universe fit into a 6,000-year history? How does a “new earth” or “young earth” teaching deal with prehistoric fossils of dinosaurs, mammoths, and fauna? If God has a “7,000-year Plan” with the first 6,000 years allotted to mankind before Christ’s return, then how do we explain the age of the universe, not to mention the age of the earth itself?

“Three Times a Year”: God’s Plan for His People

Dexter B. Wakefield
You must first go through the meaning of the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread in order to take part in the meaning of the Day of Pentecost, which makes possible the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.

Why Do We Count 50 Days to Pentecost?

Peter G. Nathan
Numbers are important to God—including the number 50, which is connected to the Day of Pentecost, the year of Jubilee, the Tabernacle, and us!

How to Count Pentecost

John H. Ogwyn (1949-2005)
We are not left to speculation or human reasoning to determine when to begin the Pentecost count.

The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets

Peter G. Nathan
While the Feast of Trumpets is not named in the New Testament in such a direct way as many of the other Holy Days are, we can see from Scripture that the early Christians did have a deep understanding of the day and its application to the Church.