Rather than nullifying God’s laws, Jesus Christ and the Apostles reaffirmed them—revealing their spiritual importance. Click here for biblical proof that God did not nullify His laws and Feast days.
No matter how excited you rightfully are about what God is teaching you, the force of your words cannot bring someone into God’s Church. Click here to learn how Scripture makes it clear that a calling from the Father—not the excitement of a friend or relative—is what enables someone to understand what God has revealed.
To keep each Sabbath holy, we turn away from our labor and from activities that draw our attention away from God and His plan for us. Click here to learn how we are to focus on worshiping God and learning about Him on His Sabbath.
After baptism, one receives God’s Spirit through the laying on of hands (Acts 8:17). Click here to learn how God’s Spirit allows a true Christian to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).
Throughout Scripture, it was never up to individuals to decide for themselves when and where the sacred assembly was to be held. Click here for biblical proof that God’s ministry calls us to worship and proclaims the particular meeting place.
Realizing that you are a sinner, and that you need to turn from your sins, is a vital step. Click here to learn how much God wants to forgive us if we repent and turn to Him.
If we are truly feasting on Jesus Christ, then we are being filled with hope, with inner healing, with clarity of vision, and with deliverance and liberty.