Fact Sheet
Living Church of God
The Living Church of God practices the faith of the first century Church. Approximately 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ founded His Church, and the apostles spread His Gospel of the Kingdom of God. In subsequent centuries, religious authorities rejected many of the first century doctrines, and in AD 364, the Council of Laodicea declared much of the original faith anathema. This original Christianity has been restored at the Living Church of God.
In 1952 Dr. Roderick C. Meredith was ordained as a minister of Jesus Christ. Dr. Meredith served as an evangelist, theology professor, and Church administrator in the Worldwide Church of God. That organization abandoned many of its Bible-based doctrines soon after the death of its founder, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. In December of 1992, Dr. Meredith stepped out in faith to revive the Work of the Church, and in 2016, at the age of 86, and in consultation with the Church’s Council of Elders, Dr. Meredith appointed Evangelist Gerald Weston as President of the Living Church of God, and as his successor. Upon Dr. Meredith’s death in May 2017, Mr. Weston became the Presiding Evangelist, and that work continues.
Church Leadership
The Church leadership includes evangelists Mr. Gerald E. Weston, Mr. Richard F. Ames, Dr. Douglas S. Winnail, Mr. Stuart I. Wachowicz, Mr. Mario Hernandez, Mr. Wallace G. Smith, Mr. Roderick C. McNair, Mr. Jonathan McNair, Mr. Peter G. Nathan and Mr. Robert Tyler. In addition, the Church has a Council of Elders which meets several times annually, along with regional directors, regional pastors, and many other ministers in the U.S. and around the world. The Living Church of God is headquartered in Charlotte, NC.
What We Do
We preach the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and King of kings, although we do not set dates for His return. We believe in the remission of sins through Christ's sacrifice. We also teach the love of God and the love of mankind as Christ and His apostles taught, and we shepherd the flock that God calls. We believe in obedience to all ten of the Ten Commandments, including Sabbath-keeping and observing the annual Holy Days in the Bible.
We reject mankind's racism and violence. We believe that the world's problems are primarily spiritual, and therefore we do not engage in political activity. We do not proselytize, and we do not solicit money from the public, although we gratefully accept donations. For our Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs, go to www.LCG.org/official-statement-fundamental-beliefs.
The Living Church of God has an ethnically diverse ministry and membership on six continents. Each week, on the biblical Sabbath, congregations meet for Sabbath services throughout North and South America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and Africa. Independently audited financial statements are published to the membership and public annually, and links to recent financials can be found at the bottom of the About Us page of this website.

Living Education
Living Education is an online Bible educational service. Students from around the world take courses online, learning from the Bible and other sources. For more information, see www.LCGEducation.org.
How We Serve
The Living Church of God produces a television program, magazines, booklets, and a Bible Study Course. Publications are available in Spanish, French, Afrikaans, and German, with a growing number in Czech, Dutch, Chinese, and Russian. Since 1999, approximately 15 million booklets, Bible lessons, and recordings have been sent free to those who have requested them, in addition to more than 30 million magazines. People who are interested in the Church may request a ministerial contact.
- The Tomorrow's World telecast features presentations on the purpose of human life as well as on Bible prophecy. The program presents current events in the context of the biblical narrative. The main presenters are Mr. Gerald E. Weston, Mr. Richard F. Ames, Mr. Wallace G. Smith, and Mr. Roderick C. McNair.
- Tomorrow's World is a bimonthly magazine sent free to those who request it. The magazine has a subscription currently exceeding 500,000. There is no subscription price and no follow up request for money.
- The Church produces radio programs in Spanish, French, and Chinese, and has a growing internet presence including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
- The Church also produces a Bible Study Course and booklets on a variety of subjects including Christian living, prophecy, and doctrinal subjects. All of the Church's literature is available in print without cost, or can be accessed online at our websites. Members receive The Living Church News bimonthly.
To learn more, visit www.lcg.org, www.tomorrowsworld.org, or contact us at:
Dexter Wakefield, Director of Public Relations
2301 Crown Centre Drive
Charlotte, NC 28227-7705
(704) 844-1970
[email protected]