Weekly Update

October 21st, 2004

Feast reports are pouring in, and boy are they inspiring reading! We are still fine tuning the attendance figures, but it looks like we'll have a 6.2% increase over last year, which is very encouraging. Much of that growth is new people from the telecast, which points out, yet once again, the crucial need of doing the Work in a powerful way.


Canadian Update

Mr. Gerald Weston sends this report reflecting, in a cogent way, what is being reported to us about the Feast around the world in the Living Church of God:

The reports coming back from the Feast are that this was truly one of the best ever. This was certainly true of the three Canadian sites, and all the reports from the United States and Europe, where some of our members attended, were just as positive. Mostly I have heard glowing reports concerning the sermons and the close, friendly family atmosphere at each of the sites. The three Festival Coordinators for Canada did an outstanding job.

In Cranbrook, I asked how many had been baptized or begun attending since the death of Mr. Herbert Armstrong. One quarter of the approximately 160 raised their hands and most of these have come along since the last three or four years. I did not ask this question at the other two sites I attended, but we definitely had new people with us for the first time this year at those sites. Anyone who thinks the work ended with Mr. Armstrong is foolish and lacking the facts.

Midwest USA Update

Mr. Rand Millich sends these comments in his regional report: As the brethren return from the Feast, I've been hearing positive comments about the sermons and activities in all the different sites. Of course, I'm being asked if I know what locations will be designated for next year!

In regard to the region, more new people are being called and are starting to attend. I've received more requests for baptism just before and after the Feast. God is adding additional brethren to His Church. The ministry is growing and learning in wisdom in dealing with some difficult challenges. The brethren are also growing in facing various trials in their lives.

Australasian Update

Mr. Bruce Tyler sends these comments in an extensive and well done report about his region: The month of August was a particularly exciting one. As you read this update, you will see that God is indeed blessing our efforts in Australia and throughout the region.

Here in Australia we added almost 300 new subscribers to the mailing list during the month. Our Tomorrow's World subscription list for the region is presently 15,670. Please remember to pray that the seeds, which are being sown through the telecast, will fall on fertile soil. This is an opportunity for many at the "end of the age" to read about the real God and learn how to apply His Laws in their personal lives.

Mr. Kinnear Penman reports: In early August Mr Bruce Tyler, Regional Pastor for the Asia/Pacific area, spent just over a week in New Zealand. He conducted Bible studies, Sabbath services, personally visited members as well as several individuals and groups of interested Tomorrow's World subscribers.

Following the Sunday morning airing of the Tomorrow's World telecast on August 1st, Mr Tyler and I set out on a five-day visiting tour around the North Island. Our first stop was a visit to a coworker and his wife in the town of Te Aroha. That evening we dined and met with a friendly, interested group of twenty Sabbath-keepers. We were hosted by Mr and Mrs Keith Relf at their home in the village of Bethlehem. The group listened attentively for two and one-half hours and Mr Tyler explained points of prophecy and doctrine and answered questions about the mission of the Living Church of God. Over half of the group watch the Tomorrow's World program and are Tomorrow's World subscribers. Some are presently using our booklet, "Revelation: the Mystery Unveiled!", for a regular group Bible study. Several others, after the meeting, requested they be also added to the Tomorrow's World mailing list.

On Monday evening Mr. Tyler conducted a Bible study for local Bay of Plenty members and authorized the commencement of a regular, monthly video group in Tauranga. We found a very nice room at the Summit Motor Lodge.

Mr. Michael Gill reports: This past week, I had a very important meeting with the Network Director of Sales for WIN Television (WIN-TV) in Wollongong. The purpose of the meeting was to re-negotiate a reduction in fees for airing the Tomorrow's World program throughout regional Australia. This station has an audience potential of 5.5 million. It appeared WIN-TV senior management had earlier decided against airing religious programs after a very difficult encounter with another religious denomination. I was able to point out that WIN-TV had previously aired The World Tomorrow program with Mr Herbert W. Armstrong and we were looking forward to re-developing a similar long-term relationship.

As an aside, I had earlier met with the Vatican Representative of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Wollongong, who has promised to help us air the program on WIN-TV, through the input of notable figures in the Wollongong community. Of some interest, during my meeting with the Bishop's representative, he explained, "that the Catholic Church was not biblically based but was a sacramental church—albeit, since Vatican II, more consideration was being given to the Bible."

It was exciting to hear another comment from this senior Roman Catholic representative, inter alia, "You have very powerful speakers!"

Tomorrow's World Readership in Asia

Since March the subscription list has increased to 1423 and more are coming in. We have added about 180 new people who have sent us the "reply cards" or contacted us via the Church web site.

Bangladesh    4 Nepal    4 China   18
Philippines    2 Hong Kong   17 South Korea    8
Singapore   66 India  522 Sri Lanka   50
Indonesia   65 Thailand   22 Japan    7
Taiwan    3 Macau    1 Vietnam   19
Malaysia  577 Myanmar   38  

Total: 1423    

GOTO Update

Here is encouraging news about growth in the Work: After the Feast of 2003, the Data Entry team began creating the "GOTO" chain. Every time someone requested ministerial contact for information on baptism, attending services, or counseling, a paper link was added to the chain with each month being represented by a different color. Upon returning from the Feast this year, the chain was taken down and the links re-counted. Totaling 856 links, it easily stretched from Mr. Meredith's office, down the hall past TV production, around the corner past CAD and PCD, down the stairs, past Reception and right out the front door! How inspiring to witness this visual representation of the impact of God's Work, especially with the realization that these ministerial contacts have already borne the fruit of several baptisms!


In closing, there is a powerful lesson for all Christians in the following quote, especially for those of us in the ministry: "He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other."—Sir Francis Bacon

This reminds me of 1 Peter 5:3-4, "Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away."

Have a great Sabbath,

Charles E. Bryce