Weekly Update

August 26th, 2004

Greetings everyone,

A stir of excitement continues to build as the Feast moves ever closer. Mr. and Mrs. Davy Crockett are in the final process of their transfer to HQ. He is here and on the job. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ogwyn have now located in the Little Rock Church area, replacing the Crocketts there. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Elertson have completed their three month training period at Headquarters, and are in Kansas City to continue their Pastoral Training. God's Work presses forward!


Prayer Requests

Please remember Mr. Roger Allgeyer, our Elder in the New York City area, in your prayers, as well as his wife, Linda. He is hospitalized due to heart-related problems. A second professional opinion will be sought to find out if open heart surgery is necessary for him. He is experiencing slight pain and his EKG reading is not good.

Mr. Gary Ownby, a Deacon and HQ staff member, is currently hospitalized in Winston-Salem, NC. One of his heart valves was leaking and had to be replaced with a mechanical one. In addition, he might have suffered a heart attack. Currently, he's in critical condition. We request your fervent prayers for God's intervention and complete healing of Mr. Ownby.

Southwest Regional Update

Regional Director Jeff Fall reports: During our visit to Las Vegas, Barbara and I spent a few hours on Sunday visiting a new PM and her husband in Kingman, AZ. What a testimony. A year ago she was not totally certain of the reality of God and the validity of the Bible. One year later, through God's call and her contact with Living, she seems to be on fire for this newfound Truth. She is not baptized yet, but is planning on shutting down her veterinary hospital and attending the Feast in Prescott. According to her mindset: "the blinds have been opened and now I can see." To my way of thinking, this shows God's stamp of approval of Living in bringing brand new people who truly are having their mind opened (a miracle) to conversion!

Feast of Tabernacles 2004

Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Thanks to all of those who have indicated their plans to be in the Festival Choir in Lake of the Ozarks.  The practice tapes for the Festival music should be mailed to them the week of Labor Day. The Festival Choir still needs a few more tenors and is especially in need of bass voices. To add your name to those who will be serving in this way, please contact the Choir Director, Mr. James King. His email address is [email protected] and his phone number is (402) 991-0049.

Myrtle Beach, SC

The Myrtle Beach Festival Choir is in need of a piano accompanist. Volunteers should call the Choir Director, Mr. David Polosky, at (828) 885-7850 or e-mail him at [email protected].

Llandudno, Wales, UK

For those traveling to the UK or Ireland, in direction to the Feast in Llandudno, Atonement Services will be held at the following locations in Ireland & the UK:

Dublin: Abberley Court Hotel at 1:30 pm. Contact: Brian Bedlow (phone 011-353-55-25170 from the USA or 055-25170 within Ireland).

Belfast: Portadown at 1:30 pm. Contact: John Murphy (phone 011-44-2890-649-050 from USA).

London: (Croydon) at 1:30 pm. Contact: Gilbert Foster (phone 011-44-2086-602-442 from USA).

Llandudno: Risboro Hotel at 1:30 pm. Contact: Jim Bennett (phone 011-44-1492-540-834 from USA).

Glasgow: 1:30 pm. Contact: Robert Storrier (phone 011-44-1698-263-977 from USA).


The Feast is only five weeks away. As we all know, one of the most important days of this very special time is the Last Great Day—the eighth day of the Feast. Leviticus 23:39, "Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath."

Year after year, this Holy Day is treated as an "afterthought" by all too many of the brethren. Church attendance holds up for the morning service, and then drops off dramatically in the afternoon.

Why is that? This is Holy Time, and a Holy convocation or commanded assembly. Leviticus 23:2, "Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts."

The last service of the whole Feast is the capstone. Mr. Roderick C. Meredith will be the main speaker and his message will go a long way toward tying everything together and fortifying us for the coming year! We need to be there, all of us. Packing, traveling or "breaking for home" is not keeping this last Festival of the year "unto the Eternal."

Let's help each other with this problem. We need to encourage, exhort and inspire one another to make a complete change wherever necessary in this matter. Let's be determined to keep the Last Great Day, from start to finish, this year. Attendance should go up, not down, in the morning and afternoon services! This is Holy Time from sunset to sunset.

We dare not get careless in honoring God on this annual Sabbath Day. Isaiah 58:13-14, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."

Thanks for your love and service.

Charles E. Bryce