Weekly Update

August 12th, 2004

Hello again from rainy Charlotte!

My wife and I enjoyed an exceptional Church visit to the Helena, Montana, area last weekend. We held Sabbath services at Mrs. Dorothy McNair's home with 50 in attendance. Brethren came from Kalispell, Great Falls, Bozeman, Helena and perhaps other places I'm not aware of. After services, we shared an excellent meal, Montana style!

Then we enjoyed an informal question and answer session about the Work, prophecy, and Church eras, just to mention a few. It was great to spend time with everyone and to be encouraged by their balance, dedication and commitment to God and His way of life. We appreciate the generous service of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lalum and Mr. and Mrs. Dana Glatz as they give ministerial care for the congregations in that area. It was especially good to see Mrs. Dorothy McNair and enjoy her usual well-known hospitality at her beautiful homeplace. I now more clearly understand why Mr. Carl McNair kept referring to Montana as "heavenly"!  


Sermons on DVD and CD—Repeat Announcement

We have great news regarding our DVD and CD duplication and distribution. After December 1, 2004, Headquarters will no longer distribute VHS and audio cassette tapes in the monthly sermon mailings to LCG congregations and video groups. This change to DVD and CD formats will save the Work in material and shipping costs and provide a better quality product to help feed God's people.

Those who have not yet acquired a DVD player should be aware that our disc format requires a Minus R (-R) playable machine. Please let us know if you need help with this matter. Realizing that there may be a few isolated situations that require the continued use of audio cassettes for individuals, pastors should send in any requests for this older format to Deborah Lincoln-Strange in CAD. Thank you everyone for your patience while waiting for this change over to occur.

Feast of Tabernacles 2004

Cranbrook, BC, Canada

To all those attending the Feast of Tabernacles in Cranbrook, BC, please bring your favorite board games for Family Night. If you would like to offer your talent to the variety of entertainment for the evening—or if you have children who would like to be in the Children's Choir—please contact Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison ASAP at 604-539-5459, or by e-mail at [email protected]. All singles please contact Mr. Stephen Jokela ASAP at 403-852-3028, or by e-mail to [email protected] to make plans! Also, all those volunteering to provide vocal or instrumental special music for services, please contact Mrs. Marguerite Wachowicz at 780-466-1815, or by fax at 780-466-4512, or by e-mail at [email protected]. –Mr. Eldon Davis

Squaw Valley, CA

Attention Singles of All Ages: Singles who are attending the Feast in Squaw Valley are invited to an unforgettable evening of sightseeing, dining, dancing and fellowshipping on beautiful Lake Tahoe aboard the M.S. Dixie II.

A Sunset Dinner Dance Cruise is being planned for the evening of Monday, October 4. The cruise is 3 ½ hours long. Dinner will consist of Caesar Salad, Hot Garlic Bread, a choice of the following: Center Cut USDA Choice New York Steak, Salmon Filet, Grilled Breast of Chicken, or Rainbow Tortellini, and Dessert & Coffee. Appetizers and premium wines are available for additional costs.

A live band will play contemporary and 50's sounds for dancing or you can simply relax and enjoy a breath-taking sunset with brethren. The cost is $49 (reduced group rate) which includes the cruise, dinner, and dancing. Parking is available for a nominal fee (between $4 and $7).

For planning purposes we would like to know how many are interested in attending. Please contact Harold Way by phone at 916-315-0100 or by e-mail at [email protected], if you would like to attend this activity. 


Ministers and Video Recipients: In order to process your OCTOBER hall requests before the Feast of Tabernacles break, please have all requests into HQ no later than September 13, 2004. This will allow sufficient time to process and mail October hall payments before the office closes for the Feast on September 24. November hall vouchers will be due by October 20, as normal. As a reminder, hall vouchers should be faxed to 704-841-1922. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter. Have a wonderful Sabbath and a great weekend from all of us in the Finance Department!—Bonnie Bonjour  


There are five weeks to go until the Feast of Trumpets, about six weeks until Atonement and then comes the Feast of Tabernacles! Just seven weeks away. As Mr. Meredith said recently, Feast fever is building throughout the Church. But that's a good fever to come down with! Excitement is growing as we approach this most thrilling time of the year for God's people.

Have a wonderful Sabbath,

Charles E. Bryce