Weekly Update

January 7th, 2000


The first week in the new year, new century, and new millennium (according to popular acceptance, not technically correct) has been a busy and interesting one here. Though authorities assure us that the Y2K bug has had minimal effect upon computer systems, our "Roadrunner" service has been unstable for some reason. We are led to believe that it is equipment problems at the provider's office. I do not know if this message will get out today, so will make it brief.

We seem to be continuing this year at the same growth level as last year, though this is based upon a very limited number of days. Our members around the country have been fighting the flu bug, but reports indicate that the worst is behind us.

Mr. Jonathan McNair recently toured the churches in the Caribbean-Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad/Tobago and Jamaica. The Churches there are doing well. The newest group is in Kingston, Jamaica. Jonathan held a bible study in Kingston with Mr. Hugh Wilson (Church Elder) and about 25 brethren. The normal Sabbath attendance in Kingston is about 40 now.

Headquarters staff is working hard to service the Church membership and those who respond to the telecast. Last week's telecast again resulted in over 1,200 responses.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ruddlesden are the parents of a new son, Geoffrey Christian, born December 29th. He weighed in at seven lbs. and growing.

Mr. Charles Bryce's mother died this week. She would have been 97 years of age this year! And, she has been a member of the Church of God since about 1925. I expect we will have precise information in the next LCN.

That is about all for news today. I have to get this in the mail now, as I see "Roadrunner" is resuscitated!

Have a great Sabbath, and you all up north keep warm now!
