Weekly Update

August 18th, 1999


Wednesday, August 18, 1999, was a joyous day for the Living Church of God. Two long-time, faithful ministers — Mr. Charles Bryce and Mr. John Ogwyn — were ordained as evangelists. The ordinations were performed during a break in the day's Council meetings, at which a range of administrative and doctrinal topics were discussed in an atmosphere of brotherly love and support that one participant characterized as "the best meetings I have participated in since I have been in the Church." Mr. Bryce graduated from Ambassador College in 1965, and has served in many leadership roles since; he is currently Regional Director for Canada and the northeastern United States. Mr. Ogwyn, in his quarter-century in the ministry, has written many major articles and booklets for the Church; he is currently Regional Director for the southeastern United States, and is writing a new Correspondence Course for the Church.