LCN Article
Nimrod's Promise

January / February 2010

Wyatt Ciesielka

While it is unlikely that President Obama even knows about the Tomorrow's World Bible Study Course, his September 25, 2009 speech on the accomplishments of the recent G-20 summit contained startlingly similar language to something the Living Church of God published nearly ten years ago—and echoed Nimrod's promises from four millennia past.

Lesson Three of the Tomorrow's World Bible Study Course is titled, "Can You Understand Bible Prophecy?" It explains topics ranging from the four ancient kingdoms of Daniel 2—the Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonians, and Romans—to the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. The reader is then guided through a study of the end-time, worldwide trading combine identified in Revelation 18:9–21 and Ezekiel 27, commonly called "Babylon the Great." The Bible reveals that this final, world-dominating empire is in fact a final revival of ancient Babylon. Its roots and spiritual heritage are founded in ancient Babylon, the first of the four Daniel 2 kingdoms.

Referring to this end-time system, Bible Study Course Lesson 3 states: "The end-time manifestation of Babylon will promise what Nimrod promised the human family at the Tower of Babel: unity, security and prosperity. This is what Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, and Caesar Augustus, each in his turn, also offered" (p. 11).

Speaking to G-20 leaders in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 25, 2009, President Obama touched on the need for international governance in confronting world challenges. He said: "We leave here today more confident and more united in the common effort of advancing security and prosperity for all of our people"

No, the G-20 is not "Babylon the Great," and there is nothing wrong with "unity, security and prosperity." President Obama appears to be a well-intentioned man trying to deal with complex world problems. Yet Bible prophecy reveals that in the coming years, the world's nations and institutions will become increasingly dominated by Babylon the Great—and in exchange for unity, security and prosperity, Babylon the Great will demand that nations give up political sovereignty and religious freedom.

The significance of promises made to promote this coming world-order should not escape us. The powers behind this system are becoming increasingly active. And God's faithful Church has long and accurately warned of this coming system, which will be dominated by a German-led core group of European nations led by ten "kings"—rulers who are the successors of the eastern and western branches of the ancient Roman Empire.

As Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote decades ago, "You must soon choose whom you will obey—this coming Roman Empire resurrected by a United States of Europe, ruled by traditional Christianity—or whether you shall obey God!" (Who or What is the Prophetic Beast?, p. 35)."

In the dangerous years ahead, God's people must remember that despite world leaders' tempting promises, genuine unity, security and prosperity—and abundant blessings—will not become a reality until Christ establishes His millennial rule.


The above is adapted from one of the many commentaries, discussing vital topics facing our world, available at the and Web sites.